Adventure Capitalist

Born and schooled in Scotland, Ken always knew that a "normal" life wasn't for him.

His journey took him through a Canadian undergraduate degree, a career in investment banking and venture capital across three continents. His career successes fuelled some exceptional experiences including becoming an aerobatic pilot, solo’ing his light aircraft across Australia, heli-skiing in the Himalayas, and diving in the Galapagos Islands, before jumping head long into entrepreneurship.

Pioneering Entrepreneur

Detail Oriented

Through a series of capital raises Ken established Scotia Finance as a private debt and equity funder of small businesses in Australia. businesses.

Strategic Force

Ken advised 1000s of businesses on how position themselves more effectively for investor capital through his Strategic Corporate Advisory.

Versatile Educator

He was one of the early pioneers in the online education space in the late 2000s, launching with wide acclaim the blueprint for businesses seeking to raise capital for growth and or sell theirs.

Health Crusader

Invested in a company dedicated to the commercialisation of a specific ginger extract on migraine headaches; the beginning of a 10 year long commitment to facilitating better health and performance in his clients

Empower Your Legacy
Embody Your 5Cs


get clear on yourself, your goals, purpose and direction


get inspired, and reconnect to your innate creative power


access new strength to face your fears, take risks


believe in your abilities and your worth to carry you


stand for what you believe

The Path to Unleash Your Legacy

This process is the fast track to developing your most potent and impactful self on your path to unleashing your legacy.


Take a deep dive in to you with a comprehensive intake and access our amazing technology that can see where the blocks are, knows what really going on for you, conscious or not. From this we have a good sense of what to focus on.


Using the tools, interventions and routines, you will learn how to let go, unblock, and free up your natural state of being to enable you to fire on all cylinders without the monkey on your back - physically, mentally and emotionally.


Reprogram your mind, reprogram your body for the goals seek. You will be taken through a powerful process using quantum timeline technique, binaural frequencies, and information medicine to kick start the process


Inspired action is the vital ingredient often missed by many on the path to your goals. We will work together to ensure that you are clear on the actions you need to take to meet your goals, and support you to bust through any new blocks that surface.

Lets Meet

If you would like to chat about how I could help you - let's have a quick chat, and see if working together makes sense?

** Don't worry we don't have to be in the same country to meet - I work exclusively online these days and get equal if not better results.